About Us
The Tribe by Hi Spirits offers a multi-cuisine, inter-continental casual diner /menu with a twist. The Tribe is a shoot-out of its mother café, Hi Spirits Café and pub– the first of its kind pub with a friendly, lively, cozy ambience and a compact pub menu, conceptualized in the year 2012. Hi Spirits Café has now become legendary in bringing about a difference in palates, eating-out and celebrating the growing subculture of art and entertainment in Siliguri and North Bengal as a whole.
Hi Spirits has also been a pioneer in introducing a multi-cultural menu keeping in mind locals with a global mindset. The menu was the first of its kind to offer a variety of pub food -American, Asian, Mexican, Italian -along with a Himalayan section which the locals loved. We have been the first to use a whole lot of new ingredients and vegetables which were very difficult to obtain in the market back then. We risked it all but our efforts did pay off. In a span of the last decade we have seen our menu and services being loved and our need to serve it to a bigger audience. The tribe of Hi Spiriters had to grow. That’s when we initialized The Tribe by Hi spirits.
The Tribe offers a bigger space- triple that of the original Hi Spirits – and a menu with more to tickle your taste-buds. We have added Indian tandoor items, some Japanese and Korean and a Combo/ Bento-meal section to the original menu to introduce the foodie in you to more food!!!
In the span of the last few years we have also seen a spurt of new eateries and the competition getting more severe. But it has always been our endeavor to serve you quality food above all else. Our salads, greens and herbs are organically grown in our gardens and we will try to grow more. With the COVID times upon us, it has become more imperative to eat healthy and clean. We shall keep up our endeavor to serve you the best always.